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My vehicle is not being displayed, what can I do?

🤔 problem

The driver is possibly using the wrong login credentials.

🌱 solution

  • To check that, open the DRIP website and select the “Master Data” subpage, in the drivers area you search for the relevant driver using the search bar.

  • Once you have found the driver, click on their profile and check in the opened info window if the created login credentials match the ones the driver uses to log in to the app.

🤔 problem

The required asset is not connected in DRIP.

🌱 solution

  • To do check that, please open the DRIP website and select the "Realtime Monitor" subpage.

  • In the "Asset List" area (1), all connected assets are displayed.

click on the image to zoom

  • search for the relevant asset using the search bar (2) if you have a large list of assets.

  • If the asset is not displayed, click on the following link please:

  • What can I do if I am missing an asset?

🤔 problem

The driver and the vehicle are not in the same group.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.