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What can I do if I am missing an asset?

🤔 problem

The vehicle is available in the telematic account, but cannot be assigned manually.

🌱 solution

  • Contact the telematic system support and then wait for a few minutes until DRIP initiates the next request.

🤔 problem

The asset has not been shared.

🌱 solution

  • Please check the "Trusted Partner" area on the “Connectivity” subpage to see if the asset has been shared.

➡️ Where can I see which assets a company has shared with me?

🤔 problem

The asset is not in your authorized groups (only users).

🌱 solution

  • Please contact the admin so that they can add the required asset to your group.

If your company does not have its own fleet, you rely on your cooperating companies to share their assets with you in order to see them displayed.

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