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Where can I see which assets a partner company has shared with me?

🤔 problem

Which assets were shared with which company?

🌱 solution

To find out, please open our website and select the "Connectivity" subpage.

Then select the area "Trusted Partner".

In the overview shown below, you will see, firstly, how many companies are already connected (1) and how many companies have not yet responded to your invitation (2).

In the area where the companies are listed, you can see which company has already shared assets with you ((3) received assets) and vice versa.


To see which assets have been shared with you, click on the area with the company name.


This opens an overview of the assets you have received (1), their status (2) and their licence plate(3). On the far right, under "Action" (4), you have the option to remove assets.


In this overview, You can also see which assets You have shared with this company under the "Sharing" tab. In this case, no assets have been shared with this company.

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