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How to create Groups

Organizing assets into groups makes monitoring easier.

In the administration area, you have the option to create groups. To do so, select this area on the homepage.

Afterwards, an overview of your company profile will open. In the left sidebar, select the “Groups” section (1) to access the respective subpage from there. Here, click on the “New Group” button (2)."

Enter a brief descriptive name into the corresponding field, along with the corresponding description in the field below it.

In a next step, all (1) or selected assets( for example the “Test” asset (2)) are added from the asset list.

The search function (3) can be used to find individual assets more quickly.

All or individual users, who have permission to view the assets in their Drip account, can be added to the group.

In a next step, the drivers who have permission to connect with the trucks in their d4d app and chat with their dispatchers, are selected.

To complete the process you have to click the “SUBMIT” Button in the top right corner of the overview.

Video tutorial:

For a better understanding of how the groups function, please click here:

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