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I was invited to register, what do I have to do now?

Once you have successfully registered with Drip (explained here), please log in to the Drip website.

Click on the connectivity area, to connect your telematic system to Drip.

This opens the "Telematic systems" subpage.

If this is not the case, please click on the icon (1) in the sidebar.

There, select the "Add Telematic" button (2) and then use the search bar (3) to find and select your telematic system.

Once you have made your selection (in this case "CVS Mobile"), a small window will appear in which you must enter your API key (1).

Please note that the procedure may vary, depending on the telematics system. It may also be necessary to enter other authentication data such as tokens, user data, etc.

If you do not yet have an API key for your system, you will find instructions on how to generate one, when you click the "How do I connect my telematic system?" link. The description will then open. (The procedure may vary depending on the telematics system).

Click on "create" to connect the telematic system.

In the next step, click on the "Trusted Partner" subpage in the left-hand side menu (1).

subpage trusted partner.png

If you have received an invitation per mail, you can find it here at the "Trusted Partner" subpage.

click request.png

If you haven't accepted the invitation yet, it's important to do so to share assets with this business partner.

Only the business partner with whom you share assets can see them, and these assets are limited to the vehicle data provided by the telematic system.

Furthermore, you can cancel the sharing of assets at any time.

How can I share my assets?

To share an asset with the selected company, click on the area of the company's name.

click company.png

In the next step, first click on "SHARING" and then click on “+ SHARE ASSETS”, subsequently an additional window will open.

share assets.png

Here you can search (1) and select (2) the assets you want to share. Then click the "SHARE ASSETS" button (3) at the right bottom of the page.

click on share assets.png

If sharing was successful, the previously shared assets are also displayed in the overview.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-14 um 18.20.53.png

In the overview of the shared assets, you will also find the option to stop sharing (unsubscribe) the assets.

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed all the necessary steps!

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