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How can i share assets?

In the first step, select the "Connectivity" area on the start page.


The "Trusted Partner" subpage must then be selected in the left-hand side menu (1).

To share assets with the respective company, click on the arrow symbol shown below (2).


A new overview will open.

Here you can search for assets (1) and select the ones you want to share (2). Finally, click on the 'SHARE ASSETS' button (3) at the bottom right of the page.

click on share assets.png

If sharing of the assets was successful, they are then also displayed in the overview.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-14 um 18.20.53.png

In the overview of the shared assets, you will also find the option to stop sharing the assets (unsubscribe).

Congratulations! You have now successfully completed all the necessary steps!

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